Slots Aircraft

Slots aircraft carrier

Slot Management at Sydney Airport is governed by the Sydney Airport Demand Management Act 1997 (the Act). The Act and associated legislative instruments set out a framework for the long-term management of demand at the Airport. The Act establishes a regime intended to control the scheduled movement times of airlines so that no more than 80 runway movements occur in any hour. The movement limit is an essential element of noise sharing and achieving balance between the efficient use of the airport and broader environmental impacts.

The Sydney Airport Compliance Scheme 2012 (the Compliance Scheme) establishes a compliance framework to require airlines to adhere to the slots they are allocated. Penalties apply for unauthorised aircraft movements i.e. where the airline knowingly or recklessly allows the aircraft to engage in no-slot or off-slot movements.

The Sydney Airport Slot Management Scheme 2013 (the Slot Management Scheme) establishes a system for the allocation of gate movements at Sydney Airport. A slot allocated under the Scheme permits a specified aircraft movement at a specified time, on a specified day. All commercial and private aircraft require a 'slot' to land or take-off at Sydney Airport (Kingsford Smith Airport).


Special provisions in the legislative regime that differentiate it from worldwide industry standards relate to the 80 per hour movement cap; guaranteed slots for NSW regional services; greater access for new entrants; size of aircraft test and the compliance regime to encourage timely performance.

Slots Aircraft

Day to day administration of the Slot Scheme is undertaken by Airport Coordination Australia (ACA). Guidance on the criteria for obtaining a slot should be sought from ACA as soon as a requirement for a slot is known.

Aircraft Slots And Slats

Powered slats appear on many large aircraft and provide the same benefit of an automatic slat. However, they're electrically or hydraulically powered - increasing reliability. The flight crew sets the slat position via cockpit controls. The slats below are on an MD-80, but the design is found on nearly every airliner. A leading-edge slot is a fixed aerodynamic feature of the wing of some aircraft to reduce the stall speed and promote good low-speed handling qualities. A leading-edge slot is a spanwise gap in each wing, allowing air to flow from below the wing to its upper surface. Slot reservations will not be assigned more than 72 hours in advance. Public Charter Flights may request an IFR reservation up to six months in advance at LGA. Submit to: Federal Aviation Administration Slot Administration Office, AGC-220 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 Facsimile: 202-267-7277. When a Ground Delay Program (GDP) is in effect, aircraft must depart within 5 minutes of their assigned Expect Departure Clearance Time (EDCT). If unable, pilots must advise ATC and request a new EDCT assignment. Traffic management initiatives are designed to provide equitable access to airports and airspace.

It is the responsibility of all aircraft operators at Sydney Airport to make themselves aware of the legislative requirements applicable to them.

Slots Aircraft Planes

Sydney Airport Demand Management Review

The Australian Government is undertaking a comprehensive review of Sydney Airport demand management, following the Productivity Commission's 2019 Inquiry into the Economic Regulation of Airports.

The Review, to be led by the industry-respected Mr Peter Harris AO, presents an opportunity to ensure the regulatory framework continues to meet the current and future needs of the aviation industry, the travelling public and the local community.


The Sydney Airport Slot Administration Manual provides guidance to stakeholders in the administration of Slot Management at Sydney Airport. This manual has been designed to complement the legislation governing the Scheme by providing a reference point that will assist stakeholders in administering the Scheme and to understand and comply with key obligations.

  • Sydney Airport Slot Administration Manual PDF: 1103 KB

Further Information

Aircraft Slots Meaning

For further information please contact the Airports Branch:
Ph (02) 6274 7111, email: