G Quote Of The

Browse all the great movie quotes that start with the letter: G. Explore famous quotes on topics starting with 'G' letter at QuotesGram. Share your favorite quotes with your friends. Welcome November with these quotes that will help you celebrate fall, gratitude, crunchy leaves, golden light, and Thanksgiving. These funny and sentimental messages will put you in the right mindset.

Obviously, crime pays, or there'd be no crime.

George Gordon Battle Liddy (born 30 November1930) was the chief operative for President Richard Nixon's White House Plumbers unit when they broke into the Watergate complex, which at the time was the headquarters of the Democratic National Convention, in 1972.


If the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms insists upon a firefight, give them a firefight.
  • Obviously, crime pays, or there'd be no crime.
    • As quoted in 'Does Crime Pay' in The Scandal Annual (1987) by the Paragon Project, p. 7
  • Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. … They've got a big target on there, ATF. Don't shoot at that, because they've got a vest on underneath that. Head shots, head shots.... Kill the sons of bitches.
    • Statements on his radio program (26 August 1994), as quoted in 'Did MSNBC Know Liddy's History?' at FAIR (29 April 2005)
  • If the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms insists upon a firefight, give them a firefight. Just remember, they're wearing flak jackets and you're better off shooting for the head.
    • Statements on his radio program (15 September 1994), as quoted in 'Did MSNBC Know Liddy's History?' at FAIR (29 April 2005)
  • What I did was restate the law. I was talking about a situation in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes smashing into a house, doesn't say who they are, and their guns are out, they're shooting, and they're in the wrong place. This has happened time and time again. The ATF has gone in and gotten the wrong guy in the wrong place. The law is that if somebody is shooting at you, using deadly force, the mere fact that they are a law enforcement officer, if they are in the wrong, does not mean you are obliged to allow yourself to be killed so your kinfolk can have a wrongful death action. You are legally entitled to defend yourself and I was speaking of exactly those kind of situations. If you're going to do that, you should know that they're wearing body armor so you should use a head shot. Now all I'm doing is stating the law, but all the nuances in there got left out when the story got repeated.
    • On his 1994 comments on taking head shots at ATF agents, as quoted in a 2003 interview at Right Wing News

Sfv G Quotes

  • A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
    • As quoted in 'The Best Of The Rest: 20 More Quotes About Liberals' at Right Wing News (24 November 2010)
  • Suffering. That was the key.
    • Liddy, G. Gordon, Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy (St. Martin's Press 1980), pg. 12, describing his epiphany about how to conquer fear.
    • Compare the fictional reply, attributed to Liddy in All the President's Men (1976), when asked how he could keep his hand over a lit candle until his flesh seared: 'The trick is not minding.'

Quotes about Liddy[edit]

  • He's basically a romantic comedian. …. He was a government agent entering our bedroom at midnight. We had every right to shoot him. But I've never owned a weapon in my life, and I have no intention of owning a weapon, although I was a master sharpshooter at West Point on both the Garand, the Springfield rifle and the machine-gun.
    • Timothy Leary, commenting on Liddy's 1994 remarks about shooting ATF agents, and a 1966 raid by Liddy in which Leary had been arrested, in 'Timothy Leary Revisited' a 1995 interview, in Paul Krassner's Impolite Interviews (1999) by Paul Krassner, p. 304
  • Is it Liddy? Is that the fellow? He must be a little nuts. I mean he just isn’t well screwed on is he? Isn’t that the problem?
    • Richard Nixon, during the infamous 'smoking gun' meeting with H.R. Haldeman, June 1972[1]


  1. The Smoking Gun Tape. Nixon White House tapes. watergate.info (June 23, 1972). Retrieved on 2018-02-01.

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
  • G. Gordon Liddy on IMDb
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=G._Gordon_Liddy&oldid=2773202'

G Quote

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These 24 dog quotes are by authors with surnames beginning with 'G.' Click on the link at the bottom to see the rest of the 'G' quotes.

G Quote Of The

Hybrid vigor is an important concept in the plant world. You get this from combining the different strengths of different strains. It's the same with mutts—if you want a dog with hybrid vigor—get a mutt.

Mary Gallagher

There is the little matter of disposal of droppings in which the cat is far ahead of its rivals. The dog is somehow thrilled by what he or any of his friends have produced, hates to leave it, adores smelling it, and sometimes eats it.

Paul Gallico

From behind a wooden crate we saw a long black-muzzled nose poking round at us. We took him out—soft, wobbly, tearful; set him down on his four, as yet not quite simultaneous legs, and regarded him. He wandered a little round our legs, neither wagging his tail nor licking at our hands; then he looked up, and my companion said: 'He's an angel!'

John Galsworthy

Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives.

John Galsworthy

Well-washed and well-combed domestic pets grow dull; they miss the stimulus of fleas.

Francis Galton

Mr g quotes

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mohandas Gandhi

I guess you don't really own a dog, you rent them, and you have to be thankful that you had a long lease.

Joe Garagiola

You really have to be some kind of a creep for a dog to reject you.

Joe Garagiola

A study conducted by the State University of New York at Buffalo Medical School suggested that in times of stress a dog is likely to be more help in calming you down than a spouse or partner. Most dog owners can guess the reason why: dogs never judge us and never compete with us.

Marjorie Garber

If you have a dog, you will most likely outlive it; to get a dog is to open yourself to profound joy and, prospectively, to equally profound sadness.

Marjorie Garber

The dog becomes the repository of those model human properties that we have cynically ceased to find among humans. Where today can we find the full panoply of William Bennett's Book of Virtues—from Courage and Responsibility to Loyalty and Family Values—but in Lassie and Beethoven and Millie and Checkers and Spot?

Marjorie Garber

The dogs in our lives, the dogs we come to love and who (we fervently believe) love us in return, offer more than fidelity, consolation, and companionship. They offer comedy, irony, wit, and a wealth of anecdotes, the 'shaggy dog stories' and 'stupid pet tricks' that are commonplace pleasures of life. They offer, if we are wise enough or simple enough to take it, a model for what it means to give your heart with little thought of return. Both powerfully imaginary and comfortingly real, dogs act as mirrors for our own beliefs about what would constitute a truly humane society. Perhaps it is not too late for them to teach us some new tricks.

Marjorie Garber

Necessity has the face of a dog.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I'm married but the special man is my dog, Henry.

Ana Gasteyer

Here Shock, the pride of all his kind, is laid,
Who fawned like man, but ne'er like man betrayed.

John Gay

It freshens your breath and helps prevent tartar.

Mel Gibson, while eating a dog biscuit at Harvard University, 1996

To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice, though inasmuch as he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman.

Hermione Gingold

A leaky faucet, a barking dog—those are things you tolerate.

G Stock

Candace Gingrich

I petted him and made over him till he was wiggling all over to show how happy he was. I felt mean about how I'd treated him and did everything I could to let him know. And that night after dark, when he sneaked into bed with me and Little Arliss, I let him sleep there and never said a word about it to Mama.

Fred Gipson,
Old Yeller

Do you know there is always a barrier between me and any man or woman who does not like dogs.

Ellen Glasgow

And then there's the personal question so many of Lassie's fans want to ask: Is he allowed on the furniture? Of course he is—but, then, he's the one who paid for it.

Julia Glass

When most of us talk to our dogs, we tend to forget they're not people.

Julia Glass

G Quartet

The Four Seasons Boston... in the rooms they provide their pet guests with a pet bed, dry food, and water. Also available is a special Pet Menu, which offers such items as grilled chicken and fresh corn for dogs.

Fran Golden

This business is dog eat dog and nobody is gonna eat me.

G Quarter Horses

Sam Goldwyn