Ocasio Cortez Election

© Alex Wong/Getty Images Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Alex Wong/Getty Images
  1. Ocasio Cortez Election Polls
  2. Ocasio Cortez Election 2020
  3. Ocasio Cortez Election Result
  4. Ocasio Cortez Election Turnout

The battle was the latest rebuke from Democrats of Ocasio-Cortez and her ideological cohorts, who were blamed by fellow party members in the House for a loss of as many as a dozen seats three days after the election. Fundraising profile for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - New York District 14. Fundraising profile for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - New York District 14. Skip to Navigation. All the numbers on this page are for the 2019 - 2020 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on 01/29/21 for Fundraising.

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the overwhelming favorite in her reelection race in New York's 14th Congressional district.
  • Her Republican opponent, John Cummings has still raised $9.6 million — seemingly a sign of how keen conservatives are to challenge her.
  • 'I guarantee you 75% of his contributors don't know anything about him,' a Republican strategist told The New York Times.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Ocasio cortez election turnout

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is widely expected to win reelection next month as the US Representative for New York's 14th district.

Her Republican challenger, John Cummings, has still managed to raise $9.6 million, in a sign of how desperate her critics are to beat her, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

'I guarantee you 75% of his contributors don't know anything about him,' Tom Doherty, a Republican strategist, told the newspaper of Cummings, a former Bronx schoolteacher and police officer.

'The people that are interested in that race financially are giving because it's AOC,' he said.

Read more: Jared Kushner floating launch of a new Trump-branded media outlet, GOP sources say. It's another sign of a looming 2020 defeat.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has raised $17.3 million so far, champions progressive policies such as public healthcare, tuition-free public college, the abolition of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the rollout of a Green New Deal that would transform the US economy to combat climate change and protect the environment.

The lawmaker's bold proposals have polarized Americans, winning her passionate support among liberals and making her a popular target for conservatives.


The result is that more money has poured into backing her and her opponents than in any House of Representatives race in the country bar one, The New York Times said.

Ocasio Cortez Election Polls

More then $30 million has flowed into the campaign, most of it going to Ocasio-Cortez and Cummings.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, a former CNBC anchor who lost to Ocasio-Cortez in the Democratic primary, has also raised $2.4 million and loaned $1 million to her campaign in order to run against Ocasio-Cortez again as the candidate for the Serve America Movement.

Ocasio cortez election night

Cummings' campaign staff knew they could capitalize on Ocasio-Cortez's public profile to raise money from across the country.

'I just sensed that national fund-raising against someone like AOC would be successful,' Chapin Fay, Cummings' campaign manager, told The New York Times.

RNC chair slams AOC for 'reckless' accusation against Republicans

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel tells 'America Reports' that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is reckless and divisive for asserting Republicans sympathize with white supremacists.

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel reacted to comments made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday, calling her assertion that Republicans sympathize with white supremacists 'reckless' and 'divisive.'

During an interview 'America Reports', McDaniel added that Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is not helping to take down the ‘temperature' in American politics, citing a past incident where federal offices were attacked in the wake of her comments comparing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to Nazis.

McDaniel also criticized President Biden’s record early number of executive orders, saying that he is governing in a way that shows he 'doesn’t care' about middle America and instead is 'in the pocket' of the elite.

Ocasio Cortez Election 2020

RONNA MCDANIEL: 'I think many Americans disagree with taxpayer funds having to pay for abortions overseas, including here in the United States, and to see Joe Biden do that, especially as the March for Life is happening, is just a slap in the face to many Americans who do not believe that their taxpayer dollars should have to pay for that. But again, it goes to the Biden administration. They are going to do everything they can to upend the gains of the Trump Administration. They ran as moderates, he ran as, 'I hear you, I care about what all Americans think, let's unite.' But, he is governing in a way that shows he doesn't care about Middle America and many Americans and their feelings about these key issues ...

Ocasio Cortez Election Result

He has put forward a record number of executive orders. When he was a candidate, he said a president who governs with executive orders is a dictator. That's Joe Biden, those are his words. He has come into office and used that power at a level we've never seen, and I think it shows a real dishonesty to especially those hard union-working Americans who work on the Keystone pipeline ... He is in the pocket of the elite and those on the coasts of California and New York ...

Ocasio Cortez Election Turnout

You know, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is reckless with her language and it has consequences. You know, when she called ICE agents Nazis that are running concentration camps, four ICE offices were attacked within a month and she says she has no regrets. As our country is divided like we've never been before, rhetoric matters, and she hasn't had her Twitter account suspended, yet her rhetoric is divisive and it is hurting our country. The Republican Party has no place for white supremacists. That is very clear. We have made that very clear. I would like the Democrat party to say there is no place for Louis Farrakhan or Antifa. Let's say that at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and let's not call half the country racist and supremacists.'